Capel Greenbelt Protection Society (CGPS)

Your local community charity

The Capel Greenbelt Protection Society has been set up to protect and use our local Green Belt countryside for the benefit of our Capel Parish, our neighbourhood, and the General Public at large (for Paddock Wood, Five Oak Green, Tudeley and other West Kent communities).

COMPETITION NEWS: We have a photo competition in 2024 with £500 prize money – click for entry details – Good luck!

Why we exist

The London Metropolitan Green Belt (MGB), and the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), in Capel is under a great threat – from over development. We exist to protect our Green Belt areas from unsuitable building developments and to educate and support Organisations who can benefit from our Objectives to utilise our countryside.

We seek grant funding and donations to be able to do this. 

We will distribute funds to worthy local organisations who will enhance our Green Belt including local Clubs, Societies and amenities.

Helping our communities

We support Capel Parish Council with the development of a Vision for Capel to create a community Neighbourhood Plan – stimulating public interest and support for all residents, societies, businesses, and organisations in this beautiful area – not just Building Developers.

We have developed a program called – Wellbeing, Wilding and Walking (WWW), to support physical and mental health through the encouragement of visitors to roam our footpaths and enjoy the vistas of our ancient landscape, historic buildings and farmsteads.

We will support organisations who provide protection of wildlife, habitat, and the openness of our countryside. We aim to support our national architectural assets, and the setting in which they sit, by promoting the highest standards of planning and building development – ensuring the environment is foremost in any proposals to build within the area.

We will support clubs and societies who enhance our historic villages and use their facilities (open spaces, parks, recreation grounds, allotments, sports fields etc.).